Motion Graphics
The assignment for this animation project gave me a lot more creative freedom than others. One example (also the avenue I chose) was to create a "personal" animation. I decided to create a piece that summarizes my disease, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
DMD is a disease that causes muscle wasting due to a lack of the protein dystrophin which allows the body to build and sustain muscle function. Without it, your muscles slowly deteriorate and become weaker.
The first part of the animation goes over the disease and its effects more in detail. The second part takes a more optimistic approach by informing the viewer of the various treatment options available which both increase life expectancy and improve quality of life for individuals affected by this disease. Lastly, it directs the viewer to a multitude of sources where they can learn even more about it.
This motion graphic made it into the animation showcase for Cleveland State's 51st People's Art Show